Browsing by Author Kok, K.H.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Analysis of Runoff Aggregation Structures with Different Flow Direction Methods under the Framework of Power Law DistributionKok, K. ; Mohd Sidek, L. ; Jung, K. ; Kim, J.C. 
2013Evaluation of green roof as green technology for urban stormwater quantity and quality controlsKok, K.H. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Abidin, M.R.Z. ; Basri, H. ; Muda, Z.C. ; Beddu, S. 
2016Evaluation of green roof performances for urban stormwater quantity and quality controlsKok, K.H. ; Mohd Sidek, L. ; Chow, M.F. ; Zainal Abidin, M.R. ; Basri, H. ; Hayder, G. 
2014Floating treatment wetland as an alternative for water quality improvement: A preliminary studyNur Asmaliza, M.N. ; Lariyah, M.S. ; Kok, K.H. ; Humaira, H.S. ; Hidayah, B. 
2018Review and Derivation of Areal Reduction Factor in Malaysia with Response to Changing ClimateKok, K. ; Yu, W. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Jung, K.