Browsing by Author Fai, C.M.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 22
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | 2 Dimensional Hydrodynamic Flood Routing Analysis on Flood Forecasting Modelling for Kelantan River Basin | Azad, W.H. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Basri, H. ; Fai, C.M. ; Saidin, S. ; Hassan, A.J. |
2017 | Determination of stormwater first flush treatment strategies at tropical urban catchments | Fai, C.M. ; Yusop, Z. |
2015 | Hydrological performance of native plant species within extensive green roof system in Malaysia | Fai, C.M. ; Bakar, M.F.B.A. ; Roslan, M.A.A.B. ; Fadzailah, F.A.B. ; Idrus, M.F.Z.B. ; Ismail, N.F.B. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Basri, H. |
2018 | Investigating the plant species and rainfall factors on stormwater retention performance of extensive green roofs in Malaysia | Fai, C.M. ; Bakar, M.F.A. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Khai, W.J. |