Browsing by Author Hashim, R.

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009A review on experimental investigations of peat stabilizationSing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2009A review on hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of peatWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2001An insight to the cleavage of β-carotene to vitamin A: A molecular mechanics studyMohamed, N. ; Hashim, R. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Zain, S.M. 
2008Compression rates of untreated and stabilized peat soilsSing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2011Effect of binder and silica sand on unconfined compressive strength of cemented peatSing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F. 
2008Engineering behaviour of stabilized peat soilSing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. ; Haji Ali, F. 
2010Engineering properties of improved fibrous peatAli, F.H. ; Sing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. 
2017Experimental investigation of scour induced by twin-propeller washYew, W.-T. ; Hashim, R. ; Ng, K.-C. 
2017Experimental investigation on axial velocity distribution for ship’s twin-propeller jetsYew, W.-T. ; Hashim, R. ; Ng, K.-C. 
2013Improved strength and reduced permeability of stabilized peat: Focus on application of kaolin as a pozzolanic additiveWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F. 
2008Strength and permeability of stabilized peat soilWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2011Unconfined compressive strength characteristics of stabilized peatWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F. 
2009Unconfined compressive strength of cemented peatSing, W.L. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2013Utilization of sodium bentonite to maximize the filler and pozzolanic effects of stabilized peatWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.