Browsing by Author Rhazali, Z.A.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016An integrated CMOS voltage multiplier and shunt voltage regulator of RF energy harvester for health care monitoring systemZulkifli, F.F. ; Sampe, J. ; Islam, M.S. ; Rhazali, Z.A. 
2013Determination of gyro frequency from critical frequency measurements over Parit Raja, MalaysiaZain, A.F.Mohd. ; Bin Abdullah, S. ; Rhazali, Z.A. 
2014Electron density profile of the F-region near the equatorial anomaly crest during moderate solar activityRhazali, Z.A. ; Zain, A.F.M. 
2013F-layer peak height variation near the equatorial anomaly crest during moderate solar activityRhazali, Z.A. ; Zain, A.F.M. 
2005First ionospheric experimental campaign and observation at Fraser's Hill, Malaysia: Total Electron Content (TEC) and scintillation measurementsMohd. Zain, A.F. ; Hwa, H.Y. ; Abdullah, M. ; Rhazali, Z.A. ; Abdullah, S. ; Marsimin, M.F. 
2005First ionospheric experimental campaign and observations at Fraser's Hill, Malaysia: Results of vertical soundingMohd. Zain, A.F. ; Abdullah, M. ; Hwa, H.Y. ; Rhazali, Z.A. ; Abdullah, S. ; Gaik, K.H. 
2003Measurements and radiation distribution along the structure of a mobile phoneZain, A.F.M. ; Rhazali, Z.A. ; Mohamad, S. 
2014Parameterization of ionospheric height variations by antenna pattern synthesis techniqueRhazali, Z.A. ; Zain, A.F.M. 
2011True height description of equatorial F-layer over Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, MalaysiaRhazali, Z.A. ; Zain, A.F.M.