Browsing by Author Salim, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018An accurate medium-term load forecasting based on hybrid techniqueYasin, Z.M. ; Aziz, N.F.A. ; Salim, N.A. ; Wahab, N.A. ; Rahmat, N.A. 
2018Implementation of GUI in the determination of critical clearing angle using the OMIB and equal area criterionSalim, N.A. ; Abd Samat, A.A. ; Othman, M.M. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ab Aziz, N.F. ; Rahmat, N.A. 
2017A new weak area identification method in power system based on voltage stabilityAziz, N.F.A. ; Rahmat, N.A. ; Muhammad-Sukki, F. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Yasin, Z.M. ; Wahab, N.A. ; Salim, N.A. 
2018Optimal economic load dispatch using multiobjective cuckoo search algorithmYasin, Z.M. ; Aziz, N.F.A. ; Salim, N.A. ; Wahab, N.A. ; Rahmat, N.A.