Browsing by Author Wang, Y.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Health care development: Integrating transaction cost theory with social support theoryHajli, M.N. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Hajli, A. ; Khani, A.H. ; Wang, Y. 
2018Locations & languages: Towards multilingual user movement analysis in social mediaWang, Y. ; Pozi, M.S.M. ; Siriaraya, P. ; Kawai, Y. ; Jatowt, A. 
2018Towards understanding cross-cultural crowd sentiment using social mediaWang, Y. ; Siriaraya, P. ; Mohd Pozi, M.S. ; Kawai, Y. ; Jatowt, A.