Browsing by Author Hajli, N.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A practical model for e-commerce adoption in IranHajli, N. ; Sims, J. ; Shanmugam, M. 
2015A study on the continuance participation in on-line communities with social commerce perspectiveHajli, N. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Powell, P. ; Love, P.E.D. 
2017Branding co-creation with members of online brand communitiesHajli, N. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Papagiannidis, S. ; Zahay, D. ; Richard, M.-O. 
2015Understanding customer perceptions of internet banking: the case of the UKShanmugam, M. ; Wang, Y.-Y. ; Bugshan, H. ; Hajli, N.