Browsing by Author Ahmad, J.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Failure investigation on reheater pendent tubes due to external scale exfoliation and internal scale formationAhmad, J. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Kadir, A.K. ; Rahman, M.M. 
2012High operating steam pressure and localized overheating of a primary superheater tubeAhmad, J. ; Rahman, M.M. ; Zuhairi, M.H.A. ; Ramesh, S. ; Hassan, M.A. ; Purbolaksono, J. 
2010Root cause failure analysis of a division wall superheater tube of a coal-fired power stationRahman, M.M. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Ahmad, J.