Browsing by Author Rosli, M.H.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Effects of sintering schedule on the characteristics of fe-based powder compacts formed through warm compaction routeRahman, M.M. ; Rosli, M.H. ; Namasivayam, D. 
2018Seawater intrusion mapping using electrical resistivity imaging (eri) at malaysian coastal areaHazreek, Z.A.M. ; Hashim, M.M.M. ; Asmawisham, A.M.N. ; Hafiz, Z.M. ; Fairus, Y.M. ; Fahmy, K.A. ; Ashraf, M.I.M. ; Rosli, S. ; Nordiana, M.M.