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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | A comparative study on MEMS piezoelectric microgenerators | Ralib, A.A.M. ; Nordin, A.N. ; Salleh, H. |
2013 | A low frequency tunable hybrid generator | Salim, M.D. ; Salleh, H. ; Salim, D.S. |
2009 | An experimental method for effusivity determination of different scratched temperature sensors | Mohammed, H. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |
2010 | Approaches and developments in MEMS power harvesting generators | Shaker, M.D. ; Salleh, H. |
2010 | Calibration of rugged, renewable and fast response temperature probes in a hypersonic flow facility | Mohammed, H. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |
2016 | Comparison of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Performance using Wound Coil Wire and PCB Coil | Resali, M.S.M. ; Salleh, H. |
2010 | Comparison of energy harvesting power management techniques and application | Mohd Resali, M.S. ; Salleh, H. |
2010 | Configuration consideration in improving the power output of the PZT energy harvester | Hussein, W.S. ; Salleh, H. |
2007 | Control of flexural waves on a beam using a vibration neutraliser: Effects of different attachment configurations | Salleh, H. ; Brennan, M.J. |
2008 | Design and fabrication of coaxial surface junction thermocouples for transient heat transfer measurements | Mohammed, H. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |
2011 | Design, simulation and fabrication of piezoelectric micro generators for aero acoustic applications | Ralib, A.A.M. ; Nordin, A.N. ; Othman, R. ; Salleh, H. |
2010 | Determination of the effusivity of different scratched coaxial temperature sensors under hypersonic flow | Mohammed, H.A. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |
2011 | Dynamic calibration and performance of reliable and fast-response coaxial temperature probes in a shock tube facility | Mohammed, H.A. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |
2010 | Effect of cantilever shape on the power output of a piezoelectric bimorph generator | Shebeeb, A. ; Salleh, H. |
2015 | Enhancement of piezoelectric energy harvester power density using natural rubber | Muhamad, L. ; Salleh, H. |
2012 | Fabrication of aluminium doped zinc oxide piezoelectric thin film on a silicon substrate for piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters | Md Ralib, A.A. ; Nordin, A.N. ; Salleh, H. ; Othman, R. |
2009 | Fabrication techniques and performance of piezoelectric energy harvesters | Ralib, A.A.M. ; Nurashikin, A. ; Salleh, H. |
2010 | Fast response surface temperature sensor for hypersonic vehicles 1 | Mohammed, H.A. ; Salleh, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. |