Browsing by Author Shafiq, N.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Microwave incinerated rice husk ash (MIRHA) and used engine oil (UEO): Towards sustainable concrete productionMohd Kamal, N.L. ; Beddu, S. ; Nuruddin, M.F. ; Shafiq, N. ; Muda, Z.C. 
2015Performance of microwave incinarated rice husk ash and used engine oil as a green concrete admixturesSalmia, B. ; Nuruddin, M.F. ; Shafiq, N. ; Nur Liyana, M.K. ; Talib, S.H.A. 
2017Reducing Heavy Metal Element from Coal Bottom Ash by Using Citric Acid Leaching TreatmentYahya, A.A. ; Ali, N. ; Mohd Kamal, N.L. ; Shahidan, S. ; Beddu, S. ; Nuruddin, M.F. ; Shafiq, N. 
2016Sustainable waste management of bottom ash as cement replacement in green buildingKamal, N.L.B.M. ; Hayder, G. ; Ahmed, O.A. ; Beddu, S.B. ; Nuruddin, M.F. ; Shafiq, N.