Browsing by Author Nainar, M.A.M.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Affect of binder on mechanical and physical characterization of titanium dioxide based varistorGholizadehsangesaraki, S. ; Begum, S. ; Nainar, M.A.M. ; Kothandapani, Z. 
2012Analysis of end crack in boiler tubeBegum, S. ; Mustafizul Karim, A.N. ; Nainar, M.A.M. ; Sevah, S. 
2012Physical characterization of Titanium Dioxide based varistor materials doped with Cobalt OxideKothandapani, Z. ; Begum, S. ; Nainar, M.A.M. ; Gholizadeh, S. ; Yee, W.M.