Browsing by Author Shanks, R.A.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Cellulose fiber and nano-fiber composites based on castor oil-polyurethane matrixAnsari, M.N.M. ; Shanks, R.A. 
2011Poly(lactic acid) hemp composites combined with nano-silicaMustapa, I.R. ; Ansari, M.N.M. ; Shanks, R.A. 
2017Review on the Effects of Process Parameters on Strength, Shrinkage, and Warpage of Injection Molding Plastic ComponentMohan, M. ; Ansari, M.N.M. ; Shanks, R.A. 
2011Starch/MWCNT/epoxy composites for biodegradable batteriesAnsari, M.N.M. ; Shanks, R.A. ; Kong, I.