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Almurib, H.A.F.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Double cooling coil model for non-linear HVAC system using RLF method | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2014 | Energy saving by integrated control of natural ventilation and HVAC systems using model guide for comparison | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. |
2014 | Erratum :Gradient auto-tuned Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Forward control of a HVAC system using predicted mean vote index (Energy and Buildings (2012) 49 (254-267)) | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Hafiz Nagi, F. |
2011 | Erratum: Double cooling coil model for non-linear HVAC system using RLF method (Energy and Buildings (2011) 43 (2043-2054)) | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2012 | Gradient auto-tuned Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Forward control of a HVAC system using predicted mean vote index | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2012 | RLF and TS fuzzy model identification of indoor thermal comfort based on PMV/PPD | Homod, R.Z. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |