Browsing by Author Ghazali, M.J.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Characterizations of Cu-based coated Al7075 via plasma-spray method - A wear case studyGhazali, M.J. ; Mat Kamal, S.E. ; Abdullah, S. ; Misran, H. 
2010Facile synthesis and characterizations of mof-5 coordination polymer with various metal linker ratios for ammonia gas storageMisran, H. ; Aminuddin, A.M. ; Zini, F.A.M. ; Ghazali, M.J. ; Ramesh, S. 
2011Palm oil based fatty alcohols templated mesoporous silica and silica spheresMisran, H. ; Singh, R. ; Ghazali, M.J. 
2015User centered design practices in healthcare: A systematic reviewGhazali, M. ; Ariffin, N.A.M. ; Omar, R.