Browsing by Author Yaw, C.T.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014An ELM based multi agent systems using certified belief in strengthYaw, C.T. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. ; Amirulddin, U.A.U. 
2018An ELM based multi-agent system and its applications to power generationYaw, C.T. ; Wong, S.Y. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. ; Amirulddin, U.A.U. ; Tan, S.C. 
2010Development of switchgear life cycle cost analysis softwareLoo, Y.L. ; Yaw, C.T. ; Hashim, A.H. ; AMMohamad ; Faizah, M.K. ; Noormala, A.