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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | A multisensory multimedia model to support dyslexic children in learning | Sidhu, M.S. ; Manzura, E. |
2010 | A preliminary study on engineering students learning style at UNITEN | Sidhu, M.S. ; Omar, R. ; Shahidan, M.S. |
2011 | An analysis of engineering students learning style at uniten | Sidhu, M.S. ; Maqableh, W. ; Arham, A.H. ; Muslimen, A. ; Tarlochan, F. |
2013 | Computer-aided engineering education: New learning approaches and technologies | Lee, C.K. ; Sidhu, M.S. |
2002 | Current challenges & trends of interactive multimedia in enhancing engineering education | Sidhu, M.S. ; Selvanathan, N. ; Singh, D. ; Ramesh, S. |
2002 | Development of interactive multimedia in teaching engineering materials | Ramesh, S. ; Tan, W.C. ; Sidhu, M.S. |
2012 | Dynamic simulation of a 3-D 4BL engineering problem using augmented reality | Sidhu, M.S. ; Maqableh, W. |
2013 | E-behaviour trends and patterns among Malaysian pre-adolescents and adolescents | Gnasigamoney, S.S. ; Sidhu, M.S. |
2011 | An effective conceptual multisensory multimedia model to support dyslexic children in learning | Sidhu, M.S. ; Manzura, E. |
2010 | Emerging trends and technologies for enhancing engineering education: An overview | Sidhu, M.S. ; Kang, L.C. |
2015 | Engineering students learning preferences in UNITEN: Comparative study and patterns of learning styles | Lee, C.K. ; Sidhu, M.S. |
2013 | Enhancing a multi-body mechanism with learning-aided cues in an augmented reality environment | Sidhu, M.S. |
2017 | Experiencing new learning, interaction and visualization process using augmented reality technology | Sidhu, M.S. ; Ying, J.G. |
2010 | From boards to augmented reality learning | Maqableh, W.F. ; Sidhu, M.S. |
2011 | Interactive augmented reality environments for engineering with open systems | Sidhu, M.S. ; Kang, L.C. |
2011 | Interactive patterns of interactions for a mind mapping multimedia courseware | Saleem, N.H. ; Sidhu, M.S. ; Adnan, N. ; Shafeek, N.A. ; Yousif, M.M.A. |
2009 | New design approaches and a comparative study of TAPS packages for Engineering education | Sidhu, M.S. |