Browsing by Author Isa, A.M.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017An overview of municipal solid waste management and landfill leachate treatment: Malaysia and Asian perspectivesKamaruddin, M.A. ; Yusoff, M.S. ; Rui, L.M. ; Isa, A.M. ; Zawawi, M.H. ; Alrozi, R. 
2013APEC's greener energy outlookIsa, A.M. ; Samuelson, R.D. 
2010Comparing different technologies for Malaysia's additional generation capacity by K-best dynamic programming multi-criteria trade-off methodIsa, A.M. ; Magori, H. ; Niimura, T. ; Yokoyama, R. 
2008Multicriteria transmission congestion management by load curtailment and generation redispatch in a deregulated power systemIsa, A.M. ; Niimura, T. ; Yokoyama, R. 
2007Profit-oriented thermal unit maintenance scheduling under competitive environmentSugimoto, J. ; Isa, A.M. ; Yokoyama, R. 
2012Real and reactive power forecast model for long term demand in peninsular MalaysiaAbdullah, S.W. ; Isa, A.M. ; Osman, M.