Browsing by Author Abdullah, K.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012An experimental study of 802.11 access point network behaviorGhafar, N.A.A. ; Hashim, W. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Dzulkifly, S. ; Abdullah, K. 
2010An optimal circular 16-QAM modulation technique for wavelet and Fourier based OFDMAbdullah, K. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Hashim, W. ; Hussain, Z.M. 
2011Effects of impulsive noise on Fourier based OFDM and wavelet based OFDMAbdullah, K. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Islam, Md.R. ; Hashim, W. 
2011Empirical conversion of rainfall rate distribution for various integration times in MalaysiaIsmail, A.F. ; Hashim, W. ; Abdullah, K. ; Malik, N.A. 
2018Experimental Investigation of Air Conditioner using the Desiccant Cooling System in Equatorial ClimatesAbdullah, K. ; Saepul Uyun, A. ; Muhammad Nur, S. ; Bamahry, A. ; Imanda, R. ; Meurah Indra Mahlia, T. 
2012Mobile broadband networks performance modeling based on experimental studiesHashim, W. ; Dzulkifly, S. ; Ghafar, N.A.Abd. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Abdullah, K. 
2012Performance prediction of future V-band Earth-space link in the tropicsIsmail, A.F. ; Saad, N.W.Md. ; Badron, K. ; Hashim, W. ; Abdullah, K. 
2018Turbine Design for Low Heat Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generation using Renewable Energy SourcesSusanto, H. ; Abdullah, K. ; Saepul Uyun, A. ; Muhammad Nur, S. ; Meurah Indra Mahlia, T.