Browsing by Author Dzulkifly, S.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012An experimental study of 802.11 access point network behaviorGhafar, N.A.A. ; Hashim, W. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Dzulkifly, S. ; Abdullah, K. 
2012Mobile broadband networks performance modeling based on experimental studiesHashim, W. ; Dzulkifly, S. ; Ghafar, N.A.Abd. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Abdullah, K. 
2013Performance analysis of cognitive selection mechanism for wireless lan systemHashim, W. ; Ismail, A.F. ; Dzulkifly, S. ; Abd Ghafar, N.A.