Browsing by Author Ramli, R.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017An application of ant colony optimization in industrial training allocationRamli, R. ; Gopal, N. 
2016Ascertaining trust of information transmitted during a disasterYusoff, Y. ; Bakar, A.A. ; Aziz, N. ; Ismail, R. ; Ramli, R. 
2012Electrical and magneto-transport properties of magneto-resistive La 0.7Ca 0.28Sr 0.2MnO 3 prepared at different sintering temperatureEwe, L.S. ; Ramli, R. ; Lim, K.P. ; Abd-Shukor, R. 
2015Interaction testing for an ad-hoc system (queue management system)Ramli, R. ; Mohamed Zabil, M.H. ; Lim, K.C. ; Yusoff, Y. ; Yusuff, M.S. 
2018Neutron and gamma ray fluences measurement at radial Beam Port 1 of TRIGA MARK II PUSPATI research reactorAshraff Rosdi, M.A. ; Goh, P.S. ; Idris, F. ; Shalbi, S. ; Sarkawi, M.S. ; Mohd Ali, N.S. ; Jamsari, N.L. ; Ramli, A.S. ; Azman, A. 
2016Review of literatures on trust factors affecting customer's purchase intention on SOHO seller: S-commerce contextRamli, R. ; Bakar, A.A. ; Aziz, N.