Browsing by Author Shaaya, S.A.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Active and reactive power scheduling optimization using firefly algorithm to improve voltage stability under load demand variationMohamad Zamani, M.K. ; Musirin, I. ; Hassan, H. ; Shaaya, S.A. ; Sulaiman, S.I. ; Ghani, N.A.M. ; Suliman, S.I. 
2017Application of immune log-normal evolutionary programming in distributed generation installationMansor, M.H. ; Musirin, I. ; Othman, M.M. ; Shaaya, S.A. ; Syed Mustaffa, S.A. 
2017Application of immune log-normal evolutionary programming in distributed generation installationMansor, M.H. ; Musirin, I. ; Othman, M.M. ; Shaaya, S.A. ; Syed Mustaffa, S.A. 
2013Building automation: Photovoltaic assisted thermal comfort management system for energy savingKhan, M.R.B. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Shaaya, S.A. 
2013Energy efficiency monitoring and economic analysis for energy saving potential in UNITENKhan, M.R.B. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Yew, K.C. ; Shaaya, S.A. 
2014Micro-hydropower potential assessment and generation volatility due to seasonal climateKhan, M.R.B. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Shaaya, S.A. 
2015Optimal combination of solar, wind, micro-hydro and diesel systems based on actual seasonal load profiles for a resort island in the South China SeaBasir Khan, M.R. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Shaaya, S.A. 
2014Optimal combinations of PV, wind, micro-hydro and diesel systems for a seasonal load demandKhan, M.R.B. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Shaaya, S.A. 
2009Performance study on energy consumption and QoS of wireless sensor network under different MAC layer protocols: IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE802.11Margono, F.I. ; Zolkefpeli, M.A.M. ; Shaaya, S.A.