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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction in the Malaysian transportation sector: An optimisation approach | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2016 | Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction in the Malaysian transportation sector: An optimisation approach | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2011 | Analyzing the green field investment in Malaysia from 1970 to 2009: A bound testing approach | Mahmoud Khalid Almsafir, A.P. ; Abdul Latif, N.W.B. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2013 | Assessing structural changes in the Malaysian economy: I-O approach | Bekhet, H.A. |
2011 | Beyond SERVQUAL: A paradigm shift | Al-Allak, B.A. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2016 | Blueprinting the equilibrium relationships between inward FDI and employment in the Malaysian economic sectors: Time series models approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Mugableh, M.I. |
2015 | Causal interaction among electricity consumption, financial development, exports and economic growth in Jordan: Dynamic simultaneous equation models | Matar, A. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2013 | Co-integration and causality analysis between stock market prices and their determinates in Jordan | Bekhet, H.A. ; Matar, A. |
2017 | CO2 emissions, energy consumption, economic growth, and financial development in GCC countries: Dynamic simultaneous equation models | Bekhet, H.A. ; Matar, A. ; Yasmin, T. |
2014 | Credit risk assessment model for Jordanian commercial banks: Neural scoring approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Eletter, S.F.K. |
2012 | Credit risk management for the Jordanian commercial banks: A business intelligence approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Eletter, S.F.K. |
2015 | Determinants of Jordanian foreign direct investment inflows: Bounds testing approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Al-Smadi, R.W. |
2014 | Determining key predictors influencing intention to use electric vehicles in Malaysia | Sang, Y.-N. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2014 | Developing student satisfaction perception model for public and private universities in Malaysia | Bekhet, H.A. ; Al-Alak, B.A. ; El-Refae, G.A. |
2017 | Dynamic linkages among financial development, economic growth, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and gross fixed capital formation patterns in Malaysia | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. ; Al-Smadi, R.W. |
2017 | Elasticity and causality among electricity generation from renewable energy and its determinants in Malaysia | Bekhet, H.A. ; Harun, N.H. |