Browsing by Author Salleh, F.H.M.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Current practice, problems and factors in COSD application a component users perspectiveAris, H. ; Salleh, F.H.M. ; Ibrahim, Z. ; Salim, S.S. 
2008Design of tool for generating UML analysis class diagramSalleh, F.H.M. ; Ibrahim, N. ; Ling, L.Y. 
2017Multiple linear regression for reconstruction of gene regulatory networks in solving cascade error problemsSalleh, F.H.M. ; Zainudin, S. ; Arif, S.M. 
2008Performance of restricted earth fault protection scheme in the presence of current transformer remanenceJalil, K.J.A. ; Bakar, A.H.A. ; Wan Mahadi, W.N. ; Salleh, F.H.M. 
2014Reconstructing gene regulatory networks from homozygous and heterozygous deletion data using Gaussian noise modelSalleh, F.H.M. ; Arif, S.M. ; Zainuddin, S. ; Raih, M.F. 
2009Review on mobile workforce management system for electricity supply industriesSalleh, F.H.M. ; Cob, Z.C. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Salbiah, S. ; Shariff, M. ; Salbiah, S ; Salbiah, M.S.S. 
2009Review on mobile workforce management system for electricity supply industriesSalleh, F.H.M. ; Cob, Z.C. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Salbiah, S. ; Shariff, M.