Browsing by Author Shahidan, M.S.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010A preliminary study on engineering students learning style at UNITENSidhu, M.S. ; Omar, R. ; Shahidan, M.S. 
2009An implementation review of occlusion-based interaction in augmented reality environmentShahidan, M.S. ; Ibrahim, N. ; Zabil, M.H.M. ; Yusof, A. 
2017Reducing Heavy Metal Element from Coal Bottom Ash by Using Citric Acid Leaching TreatmentYahya, A.A. ; Ali, N. ; Mohd Kamal, N.L. ; Shahidan, S. ; Beddu, S. ; Nuruddin, M.F. ; Shafiq, N. 
2008Virtual reality approach in treating acrophobia: Simulating height in virtual environmentIbrahim, N. ; Muhamad Balbed, M.A. ; Yusof, A.M. ; Mohammed Salleh, F.H. ; Singh, J. ; Shahidan, M.S.