Browsing by Author Mokhtar, M.H.H.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A new design of pulsed laser diode driver system for multistate quantum key distributionAbdullah, M.S. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Witjaksono, G. ; Mokhtar, M.H.H. 
2010Analysis of pulsed laser diode driver system for multistate quantum key distributionAbdullah, M.S. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Witjaksono, G. ; Mokhtar, M.H.H. 
2010Biphoton generation using multistate quantum key distribution techniqueAbdullah, M.S. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Witjaksono, G. ; Mokhtar, M.H.H.