Browsing by Author Hussain, J.I.I.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Measurement of noise inside the compartment and vibration on both sides of elastomeric powertrain mounts of passenger carRejab, M.N.A. ; Rahman, R.A. ; Hamzah, R.I.R. ; Hussain, J.I.I. ; Ahmad, N. ; Ismail, A. 
2014Measurement of noise inside the compartment and vibration on both sides of elastomeric powertrain mounts of passenger carRejab, M.N.A. ; Rahman, R.A. ; Hamzah, R.I.R. ; Hussain, J.I.I. ; Ahmad, N. ; Ismail, A. 
2014Measurement of vibration power flow through elastomeric powertrain mounts in passenger carRejab, M.N.A. ; Rahman, R.A. ; Hamzah, R.I.R. ; Hussain, J.I.I. ; Ahmad, N. ; Ismail, A. 
2014Measurement of vibration power flow through elastomeric powertrain mounts in passenger carRejab, M.N.A. ; Rahman, R.A. ; Hamzah, R.I.R. ; Hussain, J.I.I. ; Ahmad, N. ; Ismail, A.