Browsing by Author Baharuddin, M.Z.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Design and development of A 4-dof SCARA robot for educational purposesMohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Weng, K.H. ; Han, Y.W. ; Anuar, A. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. 
2006Determination of auto-recloser location using cost analysis in the sabah electricity distribution networkHashim, A.H. ; Mohamad, A.M. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Yeoh, E.C. 
2012Development of in-pipe inspection robot: A reviewIsmail, I.N. ; Anuar, A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Fairuz, M. ; Jalal, A. ; Saad, J.M. 
2012Development of robotic boiler header inspection deviceSahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Ismail, I.N. ; Basri, N.M.H. ; Roslin, N.S. ; Aziz, M.A. ; Ahmad, B. 
2014Image acquisition system for boiler header inspection robotHow, D.N.T. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Ghani, M.F.A. ; Aziz, M.A. 
2012Modular motor driver with torque control for gripping mechanismHow, D.N.T. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. 
2012Robot for boiler header inspection "LS-01"Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Saad, J.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Ismail, I.N. ; Maisurah, N. ; Basri, H. ; Roslin, N.S. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Jalal, M.F.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
2012RS-485 interface for Boiler Header Inspection Robot prototypeBasri, N.M.H. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Anuar, A. 
2013Transmission tower environment monitoring using UAVRedzuwan, R.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Mustafa, I.S. ; Omar, R.C.