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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | A study of mill scale derived hematite process for NiZn ferrite as EMI suppressor in terms of magnetic properties | Hari, Z. ; Alias, M.W.H. ; Anuar, A. ; Hamid, N.A. |
2005 | Algorithm for robot writing using character segmentation | Yussof, S. ; Anuar, A. ; Fernandez, K. |
2013 | Conceptual design for transmission line inspection robot | Jalal, M.F.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Arshad, A.D.M. ; Idris, M.S. |
2009 | Continual improvement and assessment plan for Mechanical Engineering Programme in UNITEN | Anuar, A. ; Shuaib, N.H. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2014 | Corrosion detection using labVIEW for robotic inspection of boiler headers | Zulkifli, N.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Aziz, M.A. |
2011 | Design and development of A 4-dof SCARA robot for educational purposes | Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Weng, K.H. ; Han, Y.W. ; Anuar, A. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. |
2017 | Design and Development of Platform Deployment Arm (PDA) for Boiler Header Inspection at Thermal Power Plant by Using the House of Quality (HOQ) Approach | Ismail, I.N. ; Halim, K.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Jalal, M.F.A. ; Syaifoelida, F. ; Eqwan, M.R. |
2017 | Design and Development of Robotic System for Visual Inspection of Boiler Tube Inner Surface | Jalal, M.F.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Aziz, M.A. ; Yunos, K. ; Anuar, A. ; Ghani, M.F.A. ; How, D.N.T. |
2014 | Design and development of small and simple dual robot for inspecting pipe with perpendicular entry | Roslin, N.S. ; Anuar, A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Bakar, M.N.A.A. |
2015 | Development of 1-inch boiler tube inspection robot | Shah, M.A.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Jalal, M.F.A. ; Anuar, A. |
2012 | Development of 3D boiler header template using Webots | Basri, N.M.H. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Roslin, N.S. ; Anuar, A. |
2012 | Development of a low cost small sized in-pipe robot | Md Zin, M.R.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Saad, J.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Zulkarnain, A.T. |
2012 | Development of a low cost small sized in-pipe robot | Md Zin, M.R.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Saad, J.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Zulkarnain, A.T. |
2014 | Development of a robotic boiler header inspection device with redundant localization system | Basri, N.M.H. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Anuar, A. |
2012 | Development of in-pipe inspection robot: A review | Ismail, I.N. ; Anuar, A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Fairuz, M. ; Jalal, A. ; Saad, J.M. |
2015 | Development of magnetic wheeled boiler tube inspection robot | Abdul Jalal, M.F. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Anuar, A. |
2017 | Development of nylon-based artificial muscles for the usage in robotic prosthetic limb | Atikah, N.A. ; Weng, L.Y. ; Anuar, A. ; Fat, C.C. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. |