Browsing by Author Nasif, M.S.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016CFD investigation on the effect of varying fire sprinkler orientation on sprinkler activation timeNasif, M.S. ; Fekry, M. ; Ismail, F.B. 
2016Design and implementation of cooking oil and water filtration system for domestic applicationSudiskumar, D. ; Ismail, F.B. ; Nasif, M.S. 
2017Numerical investigation of fire spread, evacuation and hazard assessment in an offshore petroleum platform by using cfd simulationNasif, M.S. ; Ahmed, M.A.M. ; Hasnain, S.A. ; Kamaruzaman, A. ; Ismail, F.B.