Browsing by Author Roslan, R.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Determination of Slope Instability Using Spatially Integrated Mapping FrameworkBaharuddin, I.N.Z. ; Omar, R.C. ; Roslan, R. ; Khalid, N.H.N. ; Hanifah, M.I.M. 
2016Erosion and Soil Contamination Control Using Coconut Flakes and Plantation of Centella Asiatica and Chrysopogon ZizanioidesRoslan, R. ; Omar, R.C. ; Baharuddin, I.N.Z. ; Zulkarnain, M.S. ; Hanafiah, M.I.M. 
2016Erosion and Soil Contamination Control Using Coconut Flakes and Plantation of Centella Asiatica and Chrysopogon ZizanioidesRoslan, R. ; Omar, R.C. ; Baharuddin, I.N.Z. ; Zulkarnain, M.S. ; Hanafiah, M.I.M. 
2016Integrated Geo Hazard Management System in Cloud Computing TechnologyHanifah, M.I.M. ; Omar, R.C. ; Khalid, N.H.N. ; Ismail, A. ; Mustapha, I.S. ; Baharuddin, I.N.Z. ; Roslan, R. ; Zalam, W.M.Z. 
2013Integrated site investigation procedure for environment protection toward sustainable developmentOmar, R.C. ; Roslan, R. ; Baharuddin, I.N.Z. 
2016Micaceous Soil Strength and Permeability Improvement Induced by Microbacteria from Vegetable WasteOmar, R.C. ; Roslan, R. ; Baharuddin, I.N.Z. ; Hanafiah, M.I.M. 
2018Study of bio-grout treated slope models under simulated rainfallOmar, R.C. ; Taha, H. ; Roslan, R. ; Baharudin, I.N.Z.