Browsing by Author Sobhani, S.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Compaction performance of clay stabilized with cement, silica sand and mica powderSobhani, S. ; Wong, L.S. 
2016Comparative measurement of compaction impact of clay stabilized with cement, peat ash and silica sandWong, L.S. ; Mousavi, S. ; Sobhani, S. ; Kong, S.Y. ; Birima, A.H. ; Mohd Pauzi, N.I. 
2016Comparative measurement of compaction impact of clay stabilized with cement, peat ash and silica sandWong, L.S. ; Mousavi, S. ; Sobhani, S. ; Kong, S.Y. ; Birima, A.H. ; Mohd Pauzi, N.I.