Browsing by Author Wong, L.S.

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009A review on hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of peatWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H. 
2015Application of salt extracted peanut seeds in the pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME)Birima, A.H. ; Ahmed, A.T. ; Noor, M.J.M.M. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Muda, Z.C. ; Wong, L.S. 
2015Compaction performance of clay stabilized with cement, silica sand and mica powderSobhani, S. ; Wong, L.S. 
2016Comparative measurement of compaction impact of clay stabilized with cement, peat ash and silica sandWong, L.S. ; Mousavi, S. ; Sobhani, S. ; Kong, S.Y. ; Birima, A.H. ; Mohd Pauzi, N.I. 
2016Comparative measurement of compaction impact of clay stabilized with cement, peat ash and silica sandWong, L.S. ; Mousavi, S. ; Sobhani, S. ; Kong, S.Y. ; Birima, A.H. ; Mohd Pauzi, N.I. 
2017Compressibility characteristics of compacted clay treated with cement, peat ash and silica sandMousavi, S. ; Wong, L.S. 
2015Formulation of an optimal mix design of stabilized peat columns with fly ash as a PozzolanWong, L.S. 
2013Improved strength and reduced permeability of stabilized peat: Focus on application of kaolin as a pozzolanic additiveWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F. 
2015Mechanical behavior of compacted and stabilized clay with kaolin and cementMousavi, S. ; Wong, L.S. 
2015Microbial cementation of ureolytic bacteria from the genus Bacillus: A review of the bacterial application on cement-based materials for cleaner productionWong, L.S. 
2015Performance of compacted and stabilized clay with cement, peat ash and silica sandMousavi, S. ; Wong, L.S. 
2014Potential use of cameron highlands reservoir sediment in compressed bricksChua, H.-Q. ; Ean, L.-W. ; Mohammed, B.S. ; Malek, M.A. ; Wong, L.S. ; Tang, C.-W. ; Lee, Z.-K. ; Lim, A.-F. ; See, Y.-Y. ; Ooi, J.-L. ; Hashim, M. ; Yong, U. ; Abbas, N.A. ; Yusop, H. ; Muda, R.S. 
2018A review on microstructural study and compressive strength of geopolymer mortar, paste and concreteNg, C. ; Alengaram, U.J. ; Wong, L.S. ; Mo, K.H. ; Jumaat, M.Z. ; Ramesh, S. 
2016Spectrometry analysis on Cyanobacteria for heavy metals detection in aquatic environmentWong, L.S. ; Voon, B.W.N. ; Teo, S.C. ; Balakrishnan, A. 
2008Strength and permeability of stabilized peat soilWong, L.S. ; Hashim, R. ; Ali, F.H.