Browsing by Author Bin Yusof, M.S.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Designation of Soap Molder Machine and Procedure for Transparent Soap | Mat Sharif, Z.B. ; Mohd Taib, N.B. ; Bin Yusof, M.S. ; Bin Rahim, M.Z. ; Mohd Tobi, A.L.B. ; Bin Othman, M.S. |
2018 | Mediating role of E- learning resources in developing entrepreneurial inclinations amongst undergraduate students at Universiti Utara Malaysia | Ramli, A. ; Shabbir, M.S. ; Bakar, M.S.B. ; Shariff, M.N.M. ; Yusof, M.S. ; Ahmad, I. |
2017 | Solving Cracking Phenomenon in Premium Transparent Toilet Soap Production Using Stretched LLDPE Film Wrap | Mat Sharif, Z.B. ; Mohd Taib, N.B. ; Bin Yusof, M.S. ; Bin Rahim, M.Z. ; Mohd Tobi, A.L.B. ; Othman, M.S.B. |
2017 | Study on Handing Process and Quality Degradation of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) | Mat Sharif, Z.B. ; Mohd Taib, N.B. ; Bin Yusof, M.S. ; Bin Rahim, M.Z. ; Bin Mohd Tobi, A.L. ; Bin Othman, M.S. |
2017 | A Study on Shelf Life Prolonging Process of Chili Soy Sauce in Malaysian SMEs' (Small Medium Enterprise) | Mat Sharif, Z.B. ; Mohd Taib, N.B. ; Bin Yusof, M.S. ; Bin Rahim, M.Z. ; Bin Mohd Tobi, A.L. ; Bin Othman, M.S. |