Browsing by Author Kamiya, Y.

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Clothes manipulation by inchworm robot grippersSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2010Clothes manipulation by robot rippers with roller fingertipsSahari, K.S.M. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2007Deformable object manipulation - Study on passive tracing by robotSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2010Edge tracing manipulation of clothes based on different gripper typesSahari, K.S.M. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2013A feasibility study of utilizing tribo-acoustics for mobile user interfaceLeong, Y.W. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2008Inchworm robot grippers for clothes manipulationSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2007Inchworm robot grippers in clothes manipulation - Optimizing the tracing algorithmSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2011Passive edge tracing of deformable object by robotSahari, K.S.M. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2010Real-time path planning tracing of deformable object by robotSahari, K.S.M. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2006Spreading of clothes by robot arms using tracing methodSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2006Tracing manipulation by robot grippers equipped with gear tipsSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2006Tracing manipulation of deformable objects using robot grippers with roller fingertipsSalleh, K. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2015Triboacoustic localization for mobile device: Improving accuracy & noise clusteringLeong, Y.W. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
2014Triboacoustic localization system for mobile device - Environmental effects to accuracyLeong, Y.W. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M.