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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | Analysis of cable insulation condition using dielectric spectroscopy and polarization/depolarization current techniques | Ariffin, A.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Yahya, A.Z.C. ; Ghani, A.B.A. |
2010 | Analysis of high frequency wave propagation characteristics in medium voltage XLPE cable model | Thayoob, Y.H.M. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Sulaiman, S. |
2010 | Analysis of wave propagation in time domain reflectometry circuit simulation model | Thayoob, Y.H.Md. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2012 | Application of time domain reflectometry technique in detecting water tree degradation within polymeric-insulated cable | Ariffin, A.M. ; Kuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Illias, H.A. |
2017 | Classification of partial discharge sources using statistical approach | Ren, L.W. ; Rahman, M.S.A. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2017 | Classification of partial discharge sources using statistical approach | Ren, L.W. ; Rahman, M.S.A. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2013 | Comparing simulation modelling and measurement results of polarization/depolarization current analysis on various underground cable insulation systems | Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Kien, D.T. |
2010 | Comparing simulation results and experimental measurements of electroluminescence phenomenon in dielectric materials | Ariffin, A.M. ; Tajudin, N.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Thayoob, Y.H.Md. ; Lewin, P.L. |
2007 | Comparison of electroluminescence of different high voltage cable materials under identical experimental conditions | Ariffin, A.M. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Dodd, S.J. |
2014 | Detection of faulted phase type in distribution systems based on one end voltage measurement | Alanzi, E.A. ; Younis, M.A. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2012 | Electric field distribution in 132 kV XLPE cable termination model from finite element method | Illias, H.A. ; Ng, Q.L. ; Bakar, A.H.A. ; Mokhlis, H. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2011 | Electroluminescence measurements of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) films subjected to high electrical stresses in different gas environments | Ariffin, A.M. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Dodd, S.J. |
2010 | Electroluminescence of ultraviolet and thermally aged low density polyethylene | Mills, D.H. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Chen, G. ; Ariffin, A.M. |
2012 | Investigation on electroluminescence as pre-breakdown phenomenon within dielectric materials used for cable insulation | Ariffin, A.M. ; Tajudin, N.M. ; Illias, H.A. |
2018 | MATLAB/simulink cable joint modelling using S-Parameter for defect assessment | Kuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Radhi, M.A.R. |
2013 | Measurement and simulation of partial discharge activity within a void cavity in a polymeric power cable model | Illias, H.A. ; Othman, M.E. ; Tunio, M.A. ; Bakar, A.H.A. ; Mokhlis, H. ; Chen, G. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Ariffin, A.M. |