Browsing by Author Kuan, T.M.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Application of time domain reflectometry technique in detecting water tree degradation within polymeric-insulated cableAriffin, A.M. ; Kuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Illias, H.A. 
2013Development of treeing detection method for cable with three insulation regions using tdr techniqueKuan, T.M. ; Mohd Ariffin, A. 
2018MATLAB/simulink cable joint modelling using S-Parameter for defect assessmentKuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Radhi, M.A.R. 
2018Power cable with two joints experimental analysis for defect assessmentsKuan, T.M. ; Ariffin, A.M. 
2011Signal analysis to detect water tree location in polymeric underground cablesKuan, T.M. ; Mohd Ariffin, A. ; Sulaiman, S. 
2018Validation of S-parameter power cable joint model on two cable defect sectionsKuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Radhi, M.A.R. 
2018Verification of MATLAB/simulink power cable modelling with experimental analysisKuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Wan Shamsuddin, W.M.S. 
2018Verification of two S-parameter cable joint models with experimental analysisKuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Ariffin, A.M. ; Radhi, M.A.R. 
2011Wave propagation characteristics of polymeric underground cablesKuan, T.M. ; Ariffin, A.Mohd. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Thayoob, Y.H.Md.