Browsing by Author Iqbal, A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A network selection indicator based on golden relation between monetary cost and bandwidth in heterogeneous wireless networksSalih, Y.K. ; See, O.H. ; Ibrahim, R.W. ; Yussof, S. ; Iqbal, A. 
2013A new chess variant for gaming AIIqbal, A. 
2015A novel noncooperative game competing model using generalized simple additive weighting method to perform network selection in heterogeneous wireless networksSalih, Y.K. ; See, O.H. ; Ibrahim, R.W. ; Yussof, S. ; Iqbal, A. 
2014A proactive fuzzy-guided link labeling algorithm based on MIH framework in heterogeneous wireless networksSalih, Y.K. ; See, O.H. ; Yussof, S. ; Iqbal, A. ; Mohammad Salih, S.Q. 
2013A replication of the slight effect of human thought on a pseudorandom number generatorIqbal, A. 
2008Advanced computer recognition of aesthetics in the game of chessIqbal, A. ; Yaacob, M. 
2010Aesthetics in mate-in-3 combinations Part 1: Combinatorics and WeightsIqbal, A. 
2010Aesthetics in mate-in-3 combinations part II: NormalityIqbal, A. 
2018A computational aesthetics assessment of chess playing quality between the gendersIqbal, A. ; Nagappan, S. 
2008Computational assessment of sparsity in board gamesIqbal, A. ; Yaacob, M. 
2006Computing the aesthetics of chessIqbal, A. 
2010Cost benefits analysis and emission reductions of optimum thickness and air gaps for selected insulation materials for building walls in MaldivesMahlia, T.M.I. ; Iqbal, A. 
2011Estimating time to completion: Uncertain processing times in gamesIqbal, A. 
2012Evaluating the aesthetics of endgame studies: A computational model of human aesthetic perceptionIqbal, A. ; Van Der Heijden, H. ; Guid, M. ; Makhmali, A. 
2008Evaluation of economy in a zero-sum perfect information gameIqbal, A. 
2014How relevant are chess composition conventions?Iqbal, A. 
2011Increasing efficiency and quality in the automatic composition of three-move mate problemsIqbal, A. 
2013Investigating the role of composition conventions in three-move mate problemsIqbal, A. 
2006Is aesthetics computable?Iqbal, A. 
2012Knowledge discovery in chess using an aesthetics approachIqbal, A.