Browsing by Author Hasanuzzaman, M.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Chillers energy consumption, energy savings and emission analysis in an institutional buildingsSaidur, R. ; Hasanuzzaman, M. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Rahim, N.A. ; Mohammed, H.A. 
2011Developing energy performance standard, label and test procedures and impacts analysis for commercial chillersSaidur, R. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Hasanuzzaman, M. 
2008Performance investigation of a solar powered thermoelectric refrigeratorSaidur, R. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Hasanuzzaman, M. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ooi, J.K. ; Yoon, P.H.