Browsing by Author Rahman, H.Y.

Showing results 1 to 13 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A parametric analysis of the strength-porosity relationship of green compacts formed through powder compaction routeNor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, M.M. ; Rahman, A.T.A. ; Tarlochan, F. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2017Characteristics of FeCuAl powder compacts formed through uniaxial die compaction routeRahman, M.M. ; Ismail, M.A. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2011Characterization of forming and sintering parameters in producing high quality components through warm compactionRahman, M.M. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2015Controller cooling of an electric vehicle: An analytical and CFD study of heat transferRahman, M.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. ; Hua, T.J. 
2014Design of the controller cooling system of an electric vehicleRahman, M.M. ; Hua, T.J. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2012Effects of forming parameters and sintering schedules to the mechanical properties and microstructures of final componentsRahman, M.M. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. ; Sopyan, I. 
2018Effects of forming temperature and sintering rate to the final properties of FeCuAl powder compacts formed through uniaxial die compaction processRahman, M.M. ; Ismail, M.A. ; Sopyan, I. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2011Effects of lubrication in warm powder compaction processRahman, M.M. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2018Effects of sintering time and temperature to the characteristics of FeCrAl powder compacts formed at elevated temperatureRahman, M.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. ; Awang, M.A.A. ; Sopyan, I. 
2011Evaluation of metal powder forming parameters at above ambient temperatureRahman, M.M. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Saktisahdan, T.J. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2011Investigation on the effect of lubrication and forming parameters to the green compact generated from iron powder through warm forming routeRahman, M.M. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. 
2016Liquid cooled plate heat exchanger for battery cooling of an electric vehicle (EV)Rahman, M.M. ; Rahman, H.Y. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Sheng, J.L.Y. 
2011Powder material parameters establishment through warm forming routeRahman, M.M. ; Ariffin, A.K. ; Nor, S.S.M. ; Rahman, H.Y.