Browsing by Author Sebayang, A.H.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Evaluation of the engine performance and exhaust emissions of biodiesel-bioethanol-diesel blends using kernel-based extreme learning machine | Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Ong, H.C. ; Sebayang, A.H. ; Dharma, S. ; Kusumo, F. ; Siswantoro, J. ; Milano, J. ; Daud, K. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chen, W.-H. ; Sugiyanto, B. |
2016 | Optimization of biodiesel production process for mixed Jatropha curcas-Ceiba pentandra biodiesel using response surface methodology | Dharma, S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Ong, H.C. ; Sebayang, A.H. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Kusumo, F. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. |
2017 | Optimization of reducing sugar production from Manihot glaziovii starch using response surface methodology | Sebayang, A.H. ; Hassan, M.H. ; Ong, H.C. ; Dharma, S. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Kusumo, F. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Bahar, A.H. |
2016 | A perspective on bioethanol production from biomass as alternative fuel for spark ignition engine | Sebayang, A.H. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Ong, H.C. ; Dharma, S. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Aditiya, H.B. |
2016 | Second generation bioethanol potential from selected Malaysia's biodiversity biomasses: A review | Aditiya, H.B. ; Chong, W.T. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Sebayang, A.H. ; Berawi, M.A. ; Nur, H. |
2016 | Second generation bioethanol production: A critical review | Aditiya, H.B. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Nur, H. ; Sebayang, A.H. |
2011 | Techno-economic analysis and environmental impact of fuel economy labels for passenger cars in Indonesia | Silitonga, A.S. ; Atabani, A.E. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Sebayang, A.H. |