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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | A comparative evaluation of physical and chemical properties of biodiesel synthesized from edible and non-edible oils and study on the effect of biodiesel blending | Atabani, A.E. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Badruddin, I.A. ; Yussof, H.W. ; Chong, W.T. ; Lee, K.T. |
2013 | A global comparative review of biodiesel production from jatropha curcas using different homogeneous acid and alkaline catalysts: Study of physical and chemical properties | Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Atabani, A.E. ; Chong, W.T. |
2010 | A review on the pattern of electricity generation and emission in Iran from 1967 to 2008 | Mazandarani, A. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Moghavvemi, M. |
2014 | Biodiesel conversion from high FFA crude jatropha curcas, calophyllum inophyllum and ceiba pentandra oil | Silitonga, A.S. ; Ong, H.C. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Chong, W.T. |
2013 | Characterization and production of Ceiba pentandra biodiesel and its blends | Silitonga, A.S. ; Ong, H.C. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Chong, W.T. |
2014 | Cost-benefit analysis and emission reduction of energy efficient lighting at the universiti tenaga nasional | Ganandran, G.S.B. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Rismanchi, B. ; Chong, W.T. |
2014 | Engine performance and emissions using Jatropha curcas, Ceiba pentandra and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in a CI diesel engine | Ong, H.C. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Chong, W.T. ; Yusaf, T. |
2013 | Experimental study on performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with Ceiba pentandra biodiesel blends | Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Chong, W.T. |
2011 | Fuel consumption and emission prediction by Iranian power plants until 2025 | Mazandarani, A. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Moghavvemi, M. |
2013 | Fuel Properties of Croton megalocarpus, Calophyllum inophyllum, and Cocos nucifera (coconut) Methyl Esters and their Performance in a Multicylinder Diesel Engine | Atabani, A.E. ; Badruddin, I.A. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mofijur, M. ; Lee, K.T. ; Chong, W.T. |
2014 | Investigation of biodiesel production from cerbera manghas biofuel sources | Ong, H.C. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Chong, W.T. |
2013 | Investigation of physical and chemical properties of potential edible and non-edible feedstocks for biodiesel production, a comparative analysis | Atabani, A.E. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Anjum Badruddin, I. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Chong, W.T. ; Lee, K.T. |
2017 | Life cycle cost and sensitivity analysis of reutealis trisperma as non-edible feedstock for future biodiesel production | Riayatsyah, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Chong, W.T. ; Aditya, L. ; Hermansyah, H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. |
2010 | Load-displacement behavior of glass fiber/epoxy composite plates with circular cut-outs subjected to compressive load | Aljibori, H.S.S. ; Chong, W.P. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Edi, P. ; Al-qrimli, H. ; Anjum, I. ; Zahari, R. |
2014 | Optimization of biodiesel production and engine performance from high free fatty acid Calophyllum inophyllum oil in CI diesel engine | Ong, H.C. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Chong, W.T. ; Leong, K.Y. |
2013 | Overview properties of biodiesel diesel blends from edible and non-edible feedstock | Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Chong, W.T. ; Boosroh, M.H. |
2013 | Production and comparative fuel properties of biodiesel from non-edible oils: Jatropha curcas, Sterculia foetida and Ceiba pentandra | Ong, H.C. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Boosroh, M.H. |
2013 | Production of biodiesel from Sterculia foetida and its process optimization | Silitonga, A.S. ; Ong, H.C. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Yusaf, T.F. |
2016 | Second generation bioethanol potential from selected Malaysia's biodiversity biomasses: A review | Aditiya, H.B. ; Chong, W.T. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Sebayang, A.H. ; Berawi, M.A. ; Nur, H. |
2016 | Second generation bioethanol production: A critical review | Aditiya, H.B. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Nur, H. ; Sebayang, A.H. |