Browsing by Author Tan, E.S.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Air assist atomization characterization of palm biodiesel through experimental investigation and CFD simulationTan, E.S. ; Anwar, M. ; Kumaran, P. ; Indra, T.M. ; Yoshikawa, K. 
2016Evaluating the Effect of Syngas Composition on Micro gas turbine PerformanceFareeza, N. ; Tan, E.S. ; Kumaran, P. ; Indra, T.M. ; Fadzilah, N. ; Yoshikawa, K. 
2008Experimental and simulation study of biodiesel combustion in a microturbineTan, E.S. ; Palanisamy, K. 
2008Experimental and simulation study of biodiesel combustion in a microturbineTan, E.S. ; Palanisamy, K. 
2012Feasibility of biodiesel as microturbine alternative fuel through atomization characteristics studyTan, E.S. ; Zulhairi, M.A. 
2006Preliminary study on combustion of biodiesel for power generationTan, E.S. ; Palanisamy, K. ; Hussein, I. ; Ani, F.N. 
2013Study on atomization characteristics for power generation applicationAnwar, Z.M. ; Tan, E.S. ; Adnan, R. ; Idris, M.A.