Browsing by Author Raziah, A.Z.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Carbon nanotubes: A review on structure and their interaction with proteinsSaifuddin, N. ; Raziah, A.Z. ; Junizah, A.R. 
2008Enhancement of lipase enzyme activity in non-aqueous media through a rapid three phase partitioning and microwave irradiationSaifuddin, N. ; Raziah, A.Z. 
2009Production of biodiesel from high acid value waste cooking oil using an optimized lipase enzyme/acid-catalyzed hybrid processSaifuddin, N. ; Raziah, A.Z. ; Farah, H.N. 
2012Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using natural carbon precursor: Castor oilRaziah, A.Z. ; Junizah, A.R. ; Saifuddin, N.