Browsing by Author Nomanbhay, S.M.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Efficient production of bioethanol from waste glycerol using microwave irradiation induced mutant Escherichia coliNomanbhay, S.M. ; Hussain, R. 
2018On increase of the efficiency of extracting phenolic compounds from palm oil mill effluentNomanbhay, S. ; Uskenbayeva, S.A. ; Ong, M.Y. 
2016Preparation and characterization of Kenaf derived heterogeneous catalyst for esterification reactionSubramaniam, K. ; Pua, F.-L. ; Palanisamy, K. ; Nomanbhay, S.M. 
2005Removal of heavy metal from industrial wastewater using chitosan coated oil palm shell charcoalNomanbhay, S.M. ; Palanisamy, K. 
2012Review paper Integration of Biodiesel and bioethanol processes: Convertion of low cost waste glycerol to bioethanolNomanbhay, S. ; Hussain, R. ; Rahman, M.M. ; Palanisamy, K.