Browsing by Author Latiff, L.A.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Indoor location-assisted device switching system for VoIP applicationSyed Ariffin, S.H. ; Abdul Wahab, N.H. ; Fisal, N. ; Latiff, L.A. ; Choong, K.-N. ; Raj, M.A. ; Mohamed, R. ; Abbas, M. 
2010Joint resource allocation and sensing scheduling for cognitive ultra widebandAripin, N.M. ; Rashid, R.A. ; Fisal, N. ; Latiff, L.A. ; Ariffin, S.H.S. ; Syed-Yusof, S.K. ; Lo, A. ; Sarijari, M.A.