Browsing by Author Hannan, M.A.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018A review of internet of energy based building energy management systems: Issues and recommendationsHannan, M.A. ; Faisal, M. ; Ker, P.J. ; Mun, L.H. ; Parvin, K. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Blaabjerg, F. 
2018Artificial Intelligent Based Damping Controller Optimization for the Multi-Machine Power System: A ReviewHannan, M.A. ; Islam, N.N. ; Mohamed, A. ; Lipu, M.S.H. ; Ker, P.J. ; Rashid, M.M. ; Shareef, H. 
2017Charge equalization controller algorithm for series-connected lithium-ion battery storage systems: Modeling and applicationsHannan, M.A. ; Hoque, M.M. ; Ker, P.J. ; Begum, R.A. ; Mohamed, A. 
2018Improved recurrent NARX neural network model for state of charge estimation of lithium-ion battery using pso algorithmHossain Lipu, M.S. ; Hussain, A. ; Saad, M.H.M. ; Ayob, A. ; Hannan, M.A.