Browsing by Author Karunanithi, S.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Integrating programming with beaglebone black for undergraduate's "programming for engineers" syllabusRadzi, N.A.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Karunanithi, S. ; Weng, L.Y. ; Jern, K.P. ; Hock, G.C. ; Jamaluddin, J.E. ; Krishnan, P.S. 
2009Performance of labscale solar powered wireless landfill monitoring systemKarunanithi, S. ; Din, N.Md. ; Hakimie, H. ; Hua, C.K. ; Omar, R.C. ; Yee, T.C. 
2009Performance of labscale solar powered wireless landfill monitoring systemKarunanithi, S. ; Din, N.Md. ; Hakimie, H. ; Hua, C.K. ; Omar, R.C. ; Yee, T.C. 
2013Performance of new generation pole lightFoo, K.C. ; Karunanithi, S. ; Thio, G.