Browsing by Author Othman, M.

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A review on path collisions and resources usage in hybrid optical Network on Chip (HONoC)Razali, R.A. ; Othman, M. 
2010A review on project management and issues surrounding dynamic development environment of ICT project: Formation of research areaOthman, M. ; Zain, A.M. ; Hamdan, A.R. 
2011An overview of ICT waste management: Suggestions of best practices from developed countries to developing nations (Nigeria)Adeola, A.M. ; Othman, M. 
2014COBIT principles to govern flood managementOthman, M. ; Ahmad, M.N. ; Suliman, A. ; Arshad, N.H. ; Maidin, S.S. 
2008Constructing a chaos proofing pre-development framework to manage chaos in a chaos-prone systems development environmentOthman, M. ; Zin, A.M. ; Hamdan, A.R. 
2016Emergency stations in the grand mosque of mecca as an application for wireless sensor networksLatif, A.I. ; Othman, M. ; Ali, N.B. ; Al-Mayouf, Y.R.B. ; Mahdi, O.A. 
2013Grid computing and scientific research: Concepts and reviewJaber, A.S. ; Othman, M. ; Sjaugi, M.F. 
2009Half- and quarter-sweeps implementation of finite-difference time-domain methodMd Nusi, N. ; Othman, M. 
2008Hybrid of HMM and Fuzzy Logic for handwritten character recognitionSuliman, A. ; Shakil, A. ; Sulaiman, Md.N. ; Othman, M. ; Wirza, R. 
2017The impact of political factors on the electronic health record success: A case study of jordanian electronic health record hakeemNassar, D.A. ; Othman, M. ; El Ahmed, M. 
2014Information sharing in governance of flood management in malaysia: Cobit based frameworkMaidin, S.S. ; Othman, M. ; Ahmad, M.N. 
2011Internet addiction and dependency: A case study in UNITEN, MalaysiaHaghighi, B.T. ; Othman, M. ; Hashim, F.H. 
2016An investigation of iot importance and viability of health records retrieval using electronic tags in pilgrimageLatif, A.I. ; Othman, M. ; Ali, N.B. ; Suliman, A. ; Mahdi, O.A. 
2012ISG implementation at mosul's health sectorSalim, M. ; Othman, M. 
2015Knowledge audit adoption: A case study of Malaysian electricity supply industryDrus, S.M. ; Shariff, S.S.M. ; Othman, M. 
2017Knowledge audit framework : A case study of the malaysian electricity supply industryDrus, S.M. ; Shariff, S.S.M. ; Othman, M. 
2014Knowledge audit practices in electricity companies in Malaysia: A preliminary overviewDrus, S.M. ; Shariff, S.S.M. ; Othman, M. 
2014Managing information and knowledge in Malaysia's flood management: Towards a new frameworkAhmad, M.N. ; Othman, M. ; Zakaria, N.H. ; Mohd Rodzi, M.Z. 
2010Modified asymmetric explicit group (AEG) FDTD method for TM waves propagationMd Nusi, N. ; Othman, M. ; Suleiman, M. ; Fudziah, I. ; Alias, N.