Browsing by Author Solemon, B.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Adoption of requirements engineering practices in Malaysian software development companiesSolemon, B. ; Sahibuddin, S. ; Ghani, A.A.A. 
2015An evaluative study on mobile crowdsourcing applications for crime watchAriffin, I. ; Solemon, B. ; Wan Abu Bakar, W.M.L. 
2008An english-malay translation memory systemRahman, S.B.Ab. ; Aziz, N.A. ; Solemon, B. 
2014Exploring the potentials of volunteered geographic Information as a source for spatial data acquisitionAriffin, I. ; Solemon, B. ; Anwar, R.M. ; Din, M.M. ; Azmi, N.N. 
2015Mobile platform for exploring the potential of volunteered geographic information for asset registerSolemon, B. ; Ariffin, I. ; Azmi, N.N. 
2009Re-defining the requirements engineering process improvement modelSolemon, B. ; Sahibuddin, S. ; Ghani, A.A.A. 
2009Requirements engineering problems and practices in software companies: An industrial surveySolemon, B. ; Sahibuddin, S. ; Ghani, A.A.A. 
2008Requirements engineering problems in 63 software companies in MalaysiaSolemon, B. ; Sahibuddin, S. ; Ghani, A.A.A. 
2013Requirements engineering process improvement and related modelsSolemon, B. ; Sahibuddin, S. ; Ghani, A.A.A. 
2015UniCrime: A mobile solution for on campus crime reporting using volunteered geographic informationAriffin, I. ; Hanif, M.F.M. ; Solemon, B.